
Tweets of the month

28 Oct
Testing gradle gradle.org

28 Oct
New day, new morning light, new ideas?

27 Oct
If it doesn't work on paper it also doesn't work on code :(

26 Oct
It's raining cats and dogs (and I think some rabbits too) in Lisbon

20 Oct Semana Informática Semana Informática ‏ @sinfo_ist
Um dos oradores da SINFO acabou de ser revelado! Richard Stallman vem a portugal, e ao instituto superior técnico! on.fb.me/q3QZmW
Retweeted by Miguel Pardal

21 Oct
My work-in-progress folder is now art-in-progress, thanks to Joana and Vincent

21 Oct
Trying the get-fit clear-mind Pomodoro (yet another)

20 Oct
Playing (abstraction) "games" for metamodeling

18 Oct
Anda para aí um Nazgul que me começa a aborrecer seriamente... :/

14 Oct
É nas horas difíceis que se vê de que fibra somos feitos. Vamos a isto: arregaçar as mangas e trabalhar mais e melhor! pic.twitter.com/o5juQd2D

13 Oct
One of the few nice things about this extended summer is that we can go to Surf and enjoy a refreshing ice cream.

13 Oct
Writing use cases to help keep solution focus on end users

7 Oct
Sometimes life feels like a game of Lemmings pingus.seul.org/welcome.html

6 Oct
Thesis moving forward again after some wise advice from Joana and Dr. Whiteboard

4 Oct
Early morning start today :)

3 Oct
Updating my LinkedIn account

3 Oct
"Despertar da sua tibieza os corações adormecidos"


Welcome Tiago!

Welcome dear nephew! :)



Lexie Littleton: Being the slickest operator in Duluth is sort of like being the world's tallest midget, if you ask me!
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: You know, it's too bad we are so much alike, otherwise we would have gotten along perfectly!
Lexie Littleton: I'll live.
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Alone!

Very weak movie. Uninteresting and not funny.


The Adventures of Tintin

The Adventures of Tintin

[in a plane]
Captain Haddock: You do know what you're doing, right?
Tintin: Relax. I interviewed a pilot once!


Java list tricks

Most of the times the simplest way to traverse a list in Java is to use an Iterator.

If your List is a LinkedList, then you can also use a descendingIterator.

For more list-specific methods, there is ListIterator, that can move forward and backward among other things.


Mona Lisa Smile

Mona Lisa Smile

Katherine Watson: Look beyond the paint. Let us try to open our minds to a new idea.


Researchers crack XML Encryption

German researchers have demonstrated a technique for breaking the encryption widely used to secure data in online transactions, which they say “poses a serious and truly practical security threat on all currently used implementations of XML Encryption.”

The attack is able to recover 160 bytes of plain-text message in 10 seconds and decrypt larger amounts of data at the same pace, the researchers said.

Although the attack, described in a paper delivered last week at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security in Chicago, was directed against the XML Encryption standard, it exploits weaknesses in the cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode of operation that is commonly used with many cryptographic algorithms. This makes it likely it could be used against non-XML implementations as well.

Source: XML Encryption cracked, exposing real threat to online transactions


The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers

Not recommended. Only "positive" points: no knowledge of history, physics or brain required :)


Art in progress

My work-in-progress folder is now art-in-progress, thanks to Joana and Vincent :)

I hope it will be a source of inspiration.



Wikipedia PDF

Wikipedia has a new very cool feature:

If you notice on the left side menu, you can now download as PDF or even create a book!
Very useful! I just downloaded a couple of article to read on my Kindle.


Steve Jobs RIP

This morning started with sad news: Steve Jobs died.

Rest In Peace Steve Jobs.


Red Herring

Red herring is an idiomatic expression referring to the rhetorical or literary tactic of diverting attention away from an item of significance. For example, in mystery fiction, where the identity of a criminal is being sought, an innocent party may be purposefully cast in a guilty light by the author through the employment of deceptive clues, false emphasis, "loaded" words or other descriptive tricks of the trade. The reader's suspicions are thus misdirected, allowing the true culprit to go (temporarily at least) undetected. A false protagonist is another example of a red herring.

More about Red Herring idiomatic expression.


Trust Me, I'm an "Engineer"


Selecting the optimal programming language

There are many programming languages to choose from, and it's a personal choice for many--you might just pick your favorite, or you might choose the one with the best performance figures. Sometimes, however, other factors are just as important as performance. In this article, learn how to analyze the relevant factors when selecting a programming language. A few project scenarios are outlined to illustrate different variables in your myriad choices.

Source: IBM Developer Works