
My developer workbench

A very dear friend is having a hard time getting back into 'developer shape', so I decided to blog about how I organize my developer work files:

This is where I keep the current projects I am working on.
It is important to me to keep this folder as clean as possible.
If I have a project that is inactive, I just create a ZIP archive and delete it.

This is where I keep code examples, historically called the 'grrreat tests' :-) (Miguel and João, you know why)
The idea is to keep small projects, each with a single purpose. It is the best way to test libraries before using them in larger projects.
I get snippets from here all the time. If you don't know, snippets are fragments of code that can be copy-pasted and easily reused.

This is a collection of libraries. You can save a lot of time reusing existing code and learning from it.
The collection is organized in 3 sections: dist, doc, and source; for binaries, documentation, and source code, respectively.
I keep multiple versions of libraries, each in a separate subfolder, because sometimes it is useful to compare changes, using a tool like WinMerge.

If you only take away one thing, remember that single-purpose code examples are the way to write quality code, fast!

Feel free to share comments about your development practices. I'm always looking for ways to improve!

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