
Best and worst practices for mentoring

Quoted from Katy Dickinson's blog:

Best Practices

The Fine Art of Effective Listening
--- Two ears, one mouth... (from Epictetus: "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak")
--- Patience: problems can be more complex than you think
--- Sounding board, not “bored”
--- When remote, acknowledge frequently (paraphrase, clarify)

Advise and Catalyze
--- Not just one answer: It's recognizing and weighing options
--- Share problem-solving skills and let the mentee find the solution
--- Discuss the impacts of taking various actions

Flexibility (the Mentoring Asana)
--- Respect mentee's choice to do what's right for their situation
--- Accommodate changes in topics and goals
--- Life happens – reschedule, don't disengage (deadlines, holidays, illnesses)

Objective Support
--- Provide timely constructive feedback as a disinterested third party
--- Be a safe harbor for venting; be a trustworthy confidant
--- Evaluate progress and adjust goals
--- Encourage getting outside comfort zone (reward risk-taking; learn thru failure)

Share Yourself, Be Committed
--- Meet regularly – It's not mentoring if it doesn't actually happen
--- Meet in person whenever possible
--- Have an open door
--- Provide the connect between their goals and the company's goals
--- Connect mentee with your network, engage in theirs
--- Share your passion and have a passion for sharing

Worst Practices

No time, no time...
--- Cancel at the last minute because something really important comes up
--- Come late, leave early
--- Oops, I forgot
--- Why bother to schedule meetings

Did you say something?
--- I'm the ME in MENTOR
--- When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it
--- If it worked for me, it'll work for you

Everything you do is wrong
--- Why in the world did you do that?
--- Well, if you can't explain it, I can't help you
--- Just do what I say and don't ask questions

No explanations necessary
--- Surely you can learn by osmosis
--- No need to share this since it was sent to an email group
--- If everyone knew about these resources, who'd need me?

So as I told your manager...
--- Confidentiality, what confidentiality?
--- I didn't think you'd mind my sharing...

Did you want to get something out of this?
--- Goals? goals? we don't need no stinkin' goals...
--- Did I say I'd do that?
--- Your satisfaction is not my problem

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