
Tweets of the month

Trying to reproduce results from another paper. There's always something important the authors don't have the space to write about...
28 Jan

Fosstrak EPCIS used in Norwegian Food Chain RFID Tracking: wp.me/pFIC4-1M
25 Jan Favorite Reply Delete

http://web.mit.edu How using all that mobile technology could be hurting your social life.
18 Jan

Universidade de Coimbra é a primeira universidade de língua portuguesa a mostrar-se no iTunes U http://www.ionline.pt//c98642
14 Jan

Using Excel to write a research paper. Sounds awkward, I know :)
14 Jan

Make or break time
11 Jan

Back to work with the help of a Pomodoro !? :) http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/
6 Jan

Happy New Year!
1 Jan

Big Oh notation explained

Assuming a hypothetical computer called the Random Access Machine where:
  • Each simple operation takes exactly one time step.
  • Loops and subroutines are not considered simple operations, but a composition of many single-step operations.
  • Each memory access takes exactly one time step.
  • Memory is unlimited.
The run time is measured by counting up the number of steps an algorithm takes on a given problem instance. We then have the worst, average, and best case complexity functions.

The Big Oh notation further simplifies function classification by disregarding multiplicative constants and defining an upper bound.

f(n) = O(g(n)) means c . g(n) is an upper bound on f(n).
Thus there exists some constant c such that f(n) is always <= c . g(n), for large enough n >= n0 (for some constant n0).

Reference: Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena, book and web site.


Copy text from picture

Have you ever wanted to copy text from a screen capture?

Microsoft Office OneNote has that feature built-in.

You just have to add the screen capture to a OneNote notebook, right-click the image, and select the option "Copy Text From Picture", and paste it where you want it.

The results are usually very good, but not perfect, because this feature relies on OCR.


Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.


NYC abortion

Father Barron responds to the recent statistical study demonstrating that approximately 41% of pregnancies in New York City end in abortion. Take a moment to read Father's commentary about "the most compelling moral issue of our time," and please spread the word.

Read the article.