
How to produce a Graphviz PDF with smaller margins?

Graphviz is a great tool to generate graph images from a textual description.

The following tip shows how you can generate a PDF file with smaller margins.
The source file contains:
digraph G {
    "subject" -> "object" [label="predicate"];

Alternatively, the margin can also be set in the command line:
> dot -Tpdf -Gmargin=0 triple.gv > triple.pdf


Programmable World

For the Programmable World to reach its full potential, we need to pass through three stages.

The first is simply the act of getting more devices onto the network—more sensors, more processors in everyday objects, more wireless hookups to extract data from the processors that already exist.

The second is to make those devices rely on one another, coordinating their actions to carry out simple tasks without any human intervention.

The third and final stage, once connected things become ubiquitous, is to understand them as a system to be programmed, a bona fide platform that can run software in much the same manner that a computer or smartphone can. Once we get there, that system will transform the world of everyday objects into a designable environment, a playground for coders and engineers.

It will change the whole way we think about the division between the virtual and
the physical.

Source: Wired